Inserting and displaying images in MySQL using PHP

Inserting and displaying images in MySQL using PHP


Source Code :


//This code shows how to save image im mysql database using php, sql and html.
//The image is uploaded using php and sql.
//It’s a web-based application that can be accessed by using a browser.
//This is for educational purposes only, Use it at your own risk.

//Connect to server
$servername = “localhost”;
$username = “root”;
$password = “”;
$conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password);
if ($conn) {
echo “Connected to server successfully”;
} else {
die( “Failed To Connect to server “. mysqli_connect_error() );

$selectalreadycreateddatabase = mysqli_select_db($conn, “PhpMysqlDatabaseBlobImageUpload”);
if ($selectalreadycreateddatabase) {
echo “<br /> Existing database selected successfully”;
} else {
echo “<br /> Selected Database Not Found”;
$createNewDb = “CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `PhpMysqlDatabaseBlobImageUpload`”;
if (mysqli_query($conn, $createNewDb)) {
echo “<br />New Database Created Successfullly”;
$selectCreatedDatabase = mysqli_select_db($conn, “PhpMysqlDatabaseBlobImageUpload”);
if ($selectCreatedDatabase) {
echo “<br />Created Database Selected Successfullly”;
// Creating new table
$sqlcreatetable = ”
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `imageuploadphpmysqlblob` (
`name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`image` longblob NOT NULL,

if (mysqli_query($conn, $sqlcreatetable)) {
echo “<br />New table Created”;
} else {
echo “<br /> Unable to create new table.”;

} else {
echo “Unable to create database”;


if (isset($_POST[‘submit’])) {
if (getimagesize($_FILES[‘imagefile’][‘tmp_name’]) == false) {
echo “<br />Please Select An Image.”;
} else {

//declare variables
$image = $_FILES[‘imagefile’][‘tmp_name’];
$name = $_FILES[‘imagefile’][‘name’];
$image = base64_encode(file_get_contents(addslashes($image)));

$sqlInsertimageintodb = “INSERT INTO `imageuploadphpmysqlblob`(`name`, `image`) VALUES (‘$name’,’$image’)”;
if (mysqli_query($conn, $sqlInsertimageintodb)) {
echo “<br />Image uploaded successfully.”;
} else {
echo “<br />Image Failed to upload.<br />”;


} else {
# code…

//Retrieve image from database and display it on html webpage
function displayImageFromDatabase(){
//use global keyword to declare conn inside a function
global $conn;
$sqlselectimageFromDb = “SELECT * FROM `imageuploadphpmysqlblob` “;
$dataFromDb = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlselectimageFromDb);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($dataFromDb)) {
echo ‘<img height=”250px” width=”250px” src=data:image;base64,’.$row[‘image’].’/>’;

//calling the function to display image

//Finnaly close connection
if (mysqli_close($conn)) {
echo “<br />Connection Closed…….”;

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>How To upload BLOB Image To Mysql Database Using PHP,SQL And HTML.</title>
<form action=”” method=”post” enctype=”multipart/form-data”>
<input type=”file” name=”imagefile”>
<br />
<input type=”submit” name=”submit” value=”Upload”>


Video Tutorial:



References :

How To Download And Install Truecaller Tutorial Mobile Application

Truecaller is a caller id service that allows you to identify the number that have called you. You can add annoying numbers to block list. After downloading and installing truecaller you get protection from spammers, robocalls, advertisements, telemarketing  etc. The setup is easy. This tutorials describes everything you need to know about installing and downloading true caller Application. –

1. Tap the “Play Store” icon.
2. Inside Google Play Store, type, “Truecaller”
3. Into the search box and tap the first result that populates.
4. On the Truecaller app page, tap the green “INSTALL” button.
5. On permission page Scroll through and tap, “ACCEPT”.
6. Now True caller will install on your device, this may take sometime but if you’re in a fast connection its just a second, When the app installation is complete, tap the green “OPEN” button.
7. After you review both the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service., tap “GET STARTED”.
8. Choose either to register a new account or sign in with Google or Facebook.
9. Truecaller will now attempt to verify your phone number. Do so.(enter your mobile number and in the text field and click the appropriate button).
10. After successful phone number verification you will see this message. “Success let’s continue”.
11. Now You Have Installed truecaller.

How To Make Image SlideShow Using Javascript, Html And Css Tutorial


How To Make Image SlideShow Using Javascript, Html And Css Tutorial
Html Source Code
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Slider</title><link rel=”stylesheet” href=”style.css”/><link rel=”stylesheet” href=”fontawesome/css/font-awesome.css”/><script style=”text/javascript” src=”javakl.js”></script>
<div id=”container”>
<p id=”pic”></p>
<div id=”sliderdiv”> <img src=”images/Chrysanthemum.jpg” height=”400px” width=”900px”  id=”imagethmb”/> <div id=”buttons”><a href=”#” onclick=”startslide(1)” > > </a>        <img src=”images/next.png” onclick=”startslide(1)” height=”70px” width=”70px” class=”next”\/>        <img src=”images/previous.png” onclick=”startslide(-1)” height=”70px” width=”70px” class=”previous”/></div> <div id=”caption”> <p id=”cap”>caption</p>    </div>        </div></div></body></html>

Javascript Source Code

var images = [“images/Chrysanthemum.jpg”, “images/Desert.jpg”, “images/Hydrangeas.jpg”, “images/Jellyfish.jpg”, “images/Koala.jpg” ];
var caption = [“caption 1”, “caption 2”, “caption 3″,”caption 4”, “caption 5” ];

var imagePos = 0;var imagesLenth = images.length – 1;
function startslide(x){ imagePos += x;
if(imagePos > imagesLenth) { imagePos =0; }
if(imagePos < 0) { imagePos = imagesLenth; }
document.getElementById(‘imagethmb’).src = images[imagePos];document.getElementById(‘cap’).innerHTML = caption[imagePos];

setInterval(function startslide(){ imagePos ++;
if(imagePos > imagesLenth) { imagePos =0; }
if(imagePos < 0) { imagePos = imagesLenth; }
document.getElementById(‘imagethmb’).src = images[imagePos];document.getElementById(‘cap’).innerHTML = caption[imagePos];


Css Source Code
*{ padding: 0px; margin: 0px;}
#container { width:900px; height: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;}
#sliderdiv { height: 400px; width: 100%; position:relative;}

#left { height:80px; width:80px;}

#buttons { height:100px; width:100%; position:absolute; top:28%;

.next { float:right; line-height:100px; }
.previous { float:left; vertical-align:center;}

#caption { height:100px; width:100%; background-color:black; position:absolute; opacity:0.5; bottom:0; color:white;}